To find and change text
Choose Edit > Find/Change.
From the Search menu, specify the range of your search:
Select Document to search the entire document or All Documents to search all open documents.
Select Story to search all text in the currently selected frame, including text in other threaded text frames and overset text. Select Stories to search stories in all selected frames.
Select To End of Story to search from the insertion point.
Select Selection to search only selected text. This option appears only if text is selected.
For Find What, type or paste the text you want to find.
For Change To, type or paste the new text.
Note: To search for formatting only, leave the Find What and Change To boxes blank. (See To find and change formatted text.)
To search for tabs, spaces, and other special characters, or for unspecified or wildcard characters, select a representative InDesign character in the pop-up menu to the right of the Find What box.
Use metacharacters to search for special characters, such as a tab.
If you want to search for text that includes metacharacters such as em dashes or bullet characters, you may want to select the text first, and then paste it into the Find/Change dialog box. (See Special characters for Find/Change.)
Select from the following options.
Whole Word Disregards search characters if they are part of another word. For example, if you are searching for “any” as a whole word, InDesign disregards “many.”
Case Sensitive Searches for only the word or words that exactly match the capitalization of the text in the Find What box. For example, a search for “PrePress” will not find “Prepress,” “prepress,” or “PREPRESS.”
Click Find Next to begin the search.
To continue searching, click Find Next, Change (to change the current occurrence), Change All (a message indicates the total number of changes), or Change/Find (to change the current occurrence and search for the next one).
Click Done when changes are complete.
See also
To find or change fonts
Tips for using Find/Change