Scriptographer на СС не работает, и на x64 тоже. Нужен скрипт Colorizer действие которого заключается в том, что он окрашивает объект в цвет лежащего под ним растра. Ниже код самого скрипта под скриптограф. Без скриптографа выдает ошибку. Что здесь надо поменять, чтоб он без скриптографа работал?
var paths = document.getItems(Path, { selected: true });
var rasters = document.getItems(Raster, { selected: true });
var failed;
if (!rasters.length || !paths.length) {
Dialog.alert('Please select an image with paths on top of it\n' +
'and execute the script again.\n\nColorizer will colorize the paths according to\n' +
'the average color of the pixels behind them.');
} else {
var raster = rasters.first;
for (var i = 0, l = paths.length; i < l; i++) {
var path = paths;
if (path.bounds.intersects(raster.bounds)) {
path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);
} else {
failed = true;
if (failed) {
Dialog.alert('Colorizer colorizes paths according to\n' +
'the average color of the pixels behind them.\n\n' +
'Some path items were not on top of the image\n' +
'and weren\'t colored.');
var paths = document.getItems(Path, { selected: true });
var rasters = document.getItems(Raster, { selected: true });
var failed;
if (!rasters.length || !paths.length) {
Dialog.alert('Please select an image with paths on top of it\n' +
'and execute the script again.\n\nColorizer will colorize the paths according to\n' +
'the average color of the pixels behind them.');
} else {
var raster = rasters.first;
for (var i = 0, l = paths.length; i < l; i++) {
var path = paths;
if (path.bounds.intersects(raster.bounds)) {
path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);
} else {
failed = true;
if (failed) {
Dialog.alert('Colorizer colorizes paths according to\n' +
'the average color of the pixels behind them.\n\n' +
'Some path items were not on top of the image\n' +
'and weren\'t colored.');