Ответ: Preview в Explore'pe
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Image Previews Gone in Photoshop CS!, March 7, 2004
Reviewer: Michael Dutton from Virginia
Here is yet another reason that I'm upset that I purchased this upgrade. The image thumbnail previews that used to be displayed in the Windows XP Explorer window are now gone. All that's visible are ugly, green PSD icons. The option of finding PSD files visually, outside of Photoshop, no longer exists.
Removing this feature is a terrible blunder by Adobe. My friends and I used this feature all the time. I frequently have several windows open when looking through files for projects. I also drag and drop a lot of the time. Many of my folders have over a hundred images in them. I used to be able to look at what I had at a glance but now all that's gone.
Some people say, "Just use the File Browser", but that window is so huge and clunky it's not a viable solution when files are located in several folders that span a whole company network. The file browser window is HUGE! It takes over the whole window. Unless you're running multiple monitors this thing is a joke! Plus, you can't have more than one browser window open at a time, and I need more than that. Unless all of your files are located in one place, this thing is a chore to use.
This is a new era of Adobe. They are becoming more like Microsoft. These days, Adobe doesn't seem to care about its users anymore. I called Adobe tech support and was talked down to by a technician who was indifferent to my needs as a designer. I'm no longer loyal to this company, and I probably won't buy anymore of their upgrades sight unseen.
I'm also having similar problems with Illustrator CS. The previews are gone in that program too and the old files hang because they are searching for the old preview. Adobe removed the image preview feature from its software because the company said it created problems on some user's systems. Personally, I've never had a problem with PSD image previews and neither has anyone else I know that runs the software. I do, however, have many problems and issues with the new "Creative Suite" of products from Adobe.
Конец цитаты.
Я раза три на адобском форуме заяснял о том, что в эффектах в 6-м, 7-м и о чудо в 8-м Шопе идиотский косяк с CMYK'ом (он просто слетает на RGB эквивалент будучи сохраненный в пресет после перезагрузки Шопа) - глухо как в танке. Причем находятся кретины которые еще и защищать этих глухарей начинают, типа "так задумано", дескать, так и должно работать.