Приобрету Newcolor 7000

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Обращайтесь. Были комплекты под РС точно
Под Мак кажется Newcolor не было. Был Linocolor
До 10.6 наверное
Rosetta is not installed by default in Mac OS X v10.6 "Snow Leopard", but can be retained as an option via the installer or Apple Software Update for users who need to run PowerPC applications.
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Реакции: Valery
Мой склероз напоминает, что проблема там была не с розеттой, а с поддержкой SCSI и было это где-то при переходе с 10.2 на 10.3. Вот, кстати, некоторое подтверждение (взято здесь: High-End Scanning: Software: Newcolor vs. Linocolor vs. Silverfast):
The scanning software is a critical aspect of every scanner, the Tango can be used with various software solutions but all of them have distinct advantages & disadvantages.
Linocolor was the first software for the Tango developed for Mac OS9. It is also limited to 8bit color depth.
Newcolor was the successor to Linocolor, it was an entirely new software and allowed 16bit scans. It was available for Mac OS X (till 10.2.8) but also for Windows (32bit XP). The biggest disadvantage is some sharpening going on in all scans, despite turning it off in the settings. The Mac-version included a special setting ("special scanner functions") to minimize this effect, therefore I included both Newcolor versions.
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Реакции: Valery
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