Ответ: Продаю спектрофотометр Eye-One для принтеров и мониторов
The test procedure of Eye-One Diagnostics performs a functionality check of your Eye-One. The procedure takes a few minutes.
During the test you will be requested to push the Eye-One measurement button, to set the Eye-One on the white reference or on the computer screen. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a successful test. Quit all other applications that may access your Eye-One before you start the test. Connect the Eye-One to the root hub of your computer (not to the keyboard or a non powered USB hub). If you are working with a laptop connect it to the external power supply and disable the sleep mode. Remove all PCMCIA cards that are not in use (network/modem cards)
If all tests run through with a "Pass" message your Eye-One is fully functional and you are ready to work. If one of the tests fail please repeat the test procedure at least twice! If you still experience problems you will find help for trouble shooting here. If you are not able to solve the problems by using the help visit
General Information
Date and Time: 03.03.2008 15:27:07
Application version: Version 2.4.1
Driver version: Version 3.3.1 Build 115
Driver version iO: Version 1.1.0 Build 92
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Device Information
Device type: Eye-One Pro (NO filter) [ Emission Reflectance Reflectance Scan ]
Serial number: 121124
Firmware version: 202
CPLD version: 2
Dark measurement count: 977
Lamp burning time: 2044.18 seconds
Spot measurement count: 207
Scan measurement count: 664
Button Test
Button is working normally
Emission calibration :Successful
Emission Test
White measurement (X=78.185 Y=80.862 Z=90.565)
Gray measurement (X=28.541 Y=29.567 Z=34.412)
Black measurement (X=0.343 Y=0.430 Z=0.514)
Red measurement (X=36.910 Y=20.297 Z=1.984)
Green measurement (X=26.119 Y=53.202 Z=8.817)
Blue measurement (X=15.451 Y=7.939 Z=79.959)
Emission Test: Pass
Dark Measurement
Dark measurement: Pass (-28.531)
Noise Measurement
Noise measurement: Pass (2.844)
Lamp test
Reflectance calibration: Successful
Reflectance measurement: Successful
Check measurement result: Successful
Reflectance Test
Reflectance calibration: Successful
Reflectance spot test: Pass (LOT=2044.83 seconds CIT=0.01686 LIT=0.0188937)
Scanning calibration: Successful
Reflectance scan test: Pass
Measurement 1 (L=95.953 a=-0.505 b=2.054)
Measurement 2 (L=96.185 a=-0.536 b=1.929)
Measurement 3 (L=96.177 a=-0.539 b=1.940)
Measurement 4 (L=96.167 a=-0.539 b=1.946)
Measurement 5 (L=96.157 a=-0.537 b=1.973)
Measurement 6 (L=96.148 a=-0.530 b=1.977)
Measurement 7 (L=96.142 a=-0.524 b=1.971)
Measurement 8 (L=96.143 a=-0.529 b=1.987)
Measurement 9 (L=96.140 a=-0.531 b=1.991)
Measurement 10 (L=96.139 a=-0.527 b=2.003)
Reflectance drift test: Pass (0.0471528)
*** PASS ***