Extif JPEG----eto est'----( i k kartinke eto ne otnositsja kak takovoy)
eto s KODAKA informacija
What is an EXIF JPEG file?
The Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) format is an international specification that lets imaging companies encode metadata information into the headers or application segments of a JPEG file.
This metadata information includes shutter speed, aperture, and the date and time the image was captured.
Current digital cameras store images using EXIF compressed files. These files use the classic JPEG DCT format. This means the image data can be read by any application supporting JPEG, including all Web browsers, image editing, desktop presentation, and document creation software programs.
The most recent KODAK digital cameras follow the JPEG EXIF DCF format, which provides enhanced interoperability of the image files. The cameras also support the Digital Print Order Form (DPOF) that lets you select the camera's images files for printing them on a KODAK Personal Picture Maker 200 kiosk. For more information about DPOF see
http://www.panasonic.co.jp/avc/video/dpof/dpof_110/white_e.htm .
NOTE: To see what version of EXIF is used with your KODAK Digital Camera - please check the specificiations section located in your User Guide.
For more information, see the EXIF 2.1 Standard (PDF - 581K) on the Kodak Web site. In April 2002 the EXIF specification was updated to Version 2.2. New image quality metadata tags were added to the headers in the image file, see the EXIF 2.2 Standard (PDF - 750K). Note the EXIF 2.2 PDF does require that your Acrobat reader support Japanese Fonts. If you do not have Japanese font support installed in your Acrobat 5.0 reader you will receive the following error message: "A font required for font substitution is missing." after you click OK, you receive the error "An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Japanese Support package." Go to the Adobe web site,
http://www.adobe.com to download the Japanese Language Support package.