Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_DocumentAfterSave(ByVal doc As Document, ByVal SaveAs As Boolean, ByVal filename As String)
recentf doc
RemoveDupX doc
End Sub
Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_DocumentClose(ByVal doc As Document)
If doc.FilePath = "" Then Exit Sub
recentf doc
RemoveDupX doc
End Sub
Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal doc As Document, ByVal SaveAs As Boolean, ByVal filename As String)
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveWindow Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If ActiveWindow.ActiveView Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
With ActiveWindow.ActiveView
Dim i&
If Not doc.ActivePage Is Nothing Then i = doc.ActivePage.indeX
doc.Properties("LastView", 0) = i
doc.Properties("LastView", 1) = doc.FromUnits(.OriginX, cdrInch)
doc.Properties("LastView", 2) = doc.FromUnits(.OriginY, cdrInch)
doc.Properties("LastView", 3) = .Zoom
End With
End Sub
Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_DocumentOpen(ByVal doc As Document, ByVal filename As String)
recentf doc
DocLastViewLoad doc
End Sub
Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_Start()
End Sub
Sub RemoveDupX(doc As Document)
Dim filename As String, MyData As String, MyResult As String, i As Long, MyLines As Variant
Dim Kept As Long, Lost As Long
If doc.FilePath = "" Then Exit Sub
filename = Environ$("appdata") & "\Corel\" & VersionMajor & " History.txt"
If Not FileThere(filename) Then Exit Sub
Open filename For Input As #1
MyData = Input(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
MyResult = vbCrLf
MyLines = Split(MyData, vbCrLf)
For i = UBound(MyLines) To 0 Step -1
If InStr(1, MyResult, vbCrLf & MyLines(i) & vbCrLf, vbTextCompare) = 0 And MyLines(i) <> "" Then
MyResult = vbCrLf & MyLines(i) & MyResult
Kept = Kept + 1
Lost = Lost + 1
End If
Next i
Open filename For Output As #1
MyResult = Replace(Replace(Trim(Replace(Replace(MyResult, " ", "@"), vbCrLf, " ")), " ", vbCrLf), "@", " ")
Print #1, MyResult
Close #1
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveDups()
Dim filename As String, MyData As String, MyResult As String, i As Long, MyLines As Variant, doc As Document
Dim Kept As Long, Lost As Long
filename = Environ$("appdata") & "\Corel\" & VersionMajor & " History.txt"
If Not FileThere(filename) Then Exit Sub
Open filename For Input As #1
MyData = Input(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
MyResult = vbCrLf
MyLines = Split(MyData, vbCrLf)
For i = UBound(MyLines) To 0 Step -1
If InStr(1, MyResult, vbCrLf & MyLines(i) & vbCrLf, vbTextCompare) = 0 And MyLines(i) <> "" Then
MyResult = vbCrLf & MyLines(i) & MyResult
Kept = Kept + 1
Lost = Lost + 1
End If
Next i
Open filename For Output As #1
MyResult = Replace(Replace(Trim(Replace(Replace(MyResult, " ", "@"), vbCrLf, " ")), " ", vbCrLf), "@", " ")
Print #1, MyResult
Close #1
End Sub
Private Function checkButton() As Boolean
Dim k&
For k = 1 To FrameWork.CommandBars("Standard").Controls.Count
If (FrameWork.CommandBars("Standard").Controls.Item(k).DescriptionText = "Yinka.YinkaMac.YinkaMacs") Or (FrameWork.CommandBars("Standard").Controls.Item(k).DescriptionText = "Yinka's Macros") Then
checkButton = True
Exit Function
End If
checkButton = False
End Function
Private Sub MacroButton()
If Not checkButton Then
With FrameWork.CommandBars("Standard").Controls.AddCustomButton _
("2cc24a3e-fe24-4708-9a74-9c75406eebcd", "Yinka.YinkaMac.YinkaMacs", 70, False)
.SetCustomIcon XFilePath(Application.VBE.VBProjects("Yinka").filename) & "yIcon.bmp"
.ToolTipText = "Yinka's Macros"
.DescriptionText = "Yinka's Macros"
.Caption = "Yinka's Macros"
End With
End If
End Sub