[AI CC-CC2022] Быстрый способ поиска спецэффектов в иллюстраторе

  • Автор темы Автор темы printteam
  • Дата начала Дата начала
Как-то можно только один поставить, вот этот
В README.md описана ручная установка и использование без установки 'rtfm'
### Manual Installation

Copy certain files and directories from this repository to your local Adobe
installation paths, usually *Applications* in macOS and *Program Files* in

#### Illustrator

| From | To |
| --- | --- |
| Content of [Illustrator Scripts] | `$APP_DIR`/Presets/`$LOCALE_CODE`/Scripts/ |
| [.stdlib] and [.stdres] | `$APP_DIR`/Presets/`$LOCALE_CODE`/ |

#### Photoshop

| From | To |
| --- | --- |
| Content of [Photoshop Scripts] | `$APP_DIR`/Presets/Scripts/ |
| [.stdlib] and [.stdres] | `$APP_DIR`/Presets/ |

> In macOS, make sure to show all hidden files in Finder.

### No Installation

It is possible to use the scripts by drag-and-dropping JSX files directly to
Adobe apps. Just make sure to keep the entirety of root folder instead of
only `Illustrator Scripts` or `Photoshop Scripts` folders.

This is because the scripts are **not standalone**, all of them require hidden
directories to be in pre-determined locations.
  • Спасибо
Реакции: ~RA~
Я именно так и установил, вручную. Просто скопировал что надо и куда надо.
Select by Attributes от Esko
